EC Healthcare (HKEx: 2138.HK)

Health Blog Category Tag List

Tag: #Radiology


Categories: Health Management
Categories: Health Management
[Ultrasound] It not just use for checking pregnancy? Learn more about its principle, application scope and precautions!
Categories: Health Management
Can CT Scan be claimed for insurance? Disclosure of CT Scan tumor examination process and side effects
Categories: Health Management
Is 45 the Turning Point for Heart Health? MRI Reveals Your Heart Health Index
Categories: Health Management
MRI: A Cost-effective Full-body Screening Tool for Early Cancer Detection
Categories: Health Management
Elderly Health Care Voucher Pilot Reward Scheme | Accumulate $1,000 in Designated Services for an Extra $500 Reward
Categories: Health Management
MRI: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis of 10 Major Health Conditions
Categories: Health Management
A Guide to Medical Imaging: CT, MRI, PET, PET-CT—Which One to Choose?
Categories: Health Management
【Imaging Diagnostics】Interested in Getting a CT/MRI? Discover the Latest Price Comparison for Hospitals and Medical Centres
Categories: Health Management
Unveiling the Silent Nature of Early-Stage Ovarian Cancer: Often Misdiagnosed as Gastrointestinal Disorders
Categories: Health Management
Malignant vs Benign Breast Tumours: Your Guide to Identifying 4 Benign Tumours
Categories: Health Management