EC Healthcare (HKEx: 2138.HK)

Refractive Errors
Refractive error problem

Correct refractive errors, treat presbyopia, correct farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism and other vision problems

Refractive error is a very common vision problem. The cornea and lens at the front of the eye focus the light coming into the eye and project it accurately onto the retina, forming a clear image. When the eye develops at different lengths, the light is not properly focused on the retina and the image is blurred, leading to reduced and incomplete vision and various refractive error conditions, such as myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and astigmatism.

屈光狀態形成的因素有很多,包括先天遺傳和後天環境,例如用眼不當可能會令眼軸變長、形 成近視。或是家族有屈光不正的歷史,出現屈光不正的機率相對提高。常見的散光、近視及遠視矯正方法和老花治療有配戴眼鏡/隱形眼鏡、人工晶體置換術及激光矯視手術。

Types of Refractive Error

Normal eye ball
Myopic eyeball

Myopia (Short-sightedness)

Myopia is when the eyeball is too long or the lens is too thick, which affects the ability to focus and allows light to fall in front of the retina, causing the eye to see blurred images in the distance, while close ones are clearly visible. This is where concave lenses are required to correct, pushing the focus of the light towards the retina to improve the condition. Genetic factor and and excessive near work e.g. looking at electronic devices for prolonged duration can cause myopia progression in a growing eyeball.



Astigmatism is chiefly caused by the irregular cornea, the vertical curvature of which is different from the horizontal one, resulting in a deviation of refraction. As a result, the light is not accurately focused on the retina. Objects indeed look blurry, making it harder for patients to see clearly. Prolonged concentration could lead to eye strain. Most astigmatic defects are congenital or inherited.


Hyperopia (Long-sightedness)

A long-sighted or hyperopic eye is usually caused by the fact that the eye is naturally too short and the light entering the eye is focused behind the retina, making it appear blurred when looking at near objects, but not when seeing things afar. At a young age, the ciliary muscles are strong enough to counteract mild hyperopia, so one can still see things more clearly from a distance. The ciliary muscle, however, degenerates with age, and gradually distant and near objects look blurry. Yet most hyperopic cases are congenital and common in children under six years old as children's eyes will grow and then long-sightedness will diminish.



Presbyopia is due to gradual hardening of the lens, reduced elasticity and slow degeneration of the ciliary muscle, resulting in a weakening of the eye's ability to adjust to near focus and blurred vision at close range. The condition usually gets worse with age and starts to appear after the age of 40 to 45.

Symptoms of Refractive Error

Symptoms of Refractive Error Blurred Vision

Blurred or hazy vision

Refractive errors Headaches and eye strain

Headache and eye strain

Hyperopia Correction Reading Difficulty

Reading difficulty

Presbyopia Treatment Ghosting

Double vision

Myopia correction Halos around bright lights

Halos around bright lights


If these symptoms are not corrected, they may affect your daily life. Consult an ophthalmologist or optometrist immediately.

Astigmatism, farsightedness and myopia correction methods

Refractive error correction

需由專業眼科醫生After an eye examination by a professional ophthalmologist or optometrist, the following correction methods are required:

Myopia and hyperopia correction Wear glasses

Wear glasses

Different types of lenses are available on the market and should be fitted according to different vision conditions:

Hyperopia Correction Contact Lenses

Contact lenses

There are also different types of contact lenses and lenses with the right corrective features:

Presbyopia Treatment Intraocular Lens Placement

Intraocular lens replacement surgery

The principle is to use minimally invasive methods to remove the own lens, and then implant a suitable artificial lens into the eye to obtain high-definition vision. The recovery is fast, the effect is accurate, and the natural cornea can be preserved, and it can also prevent cataracts. Suitable for the correction of deep myopia and hyperopia, astigmatism or presbyopia treatment.

Myopia and Astigmatism Correction Laser Vision Correction

Laser vision correction surgery

SMILEIt is one of the laser vision correction surgeries and a new generation of vision correction technology, and has been certified by the US FDA.Carl Zeiss VisuMaxSMILE uses the Carl Zeiss VisuMax femtosecond laser system. Doctors can use this technology to improve patients' vision problems such as myopia and astigmatism. It is safer than traditional LASIK laser vision correction, and its speed and quality are also improved. SMILE technology is suitable for myopia correction, improvement of astigmatism and presbyopia correction, etc.

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