EC Healthcare (HKEx: 2138.HK)

✨逆轉白內障📽️分享計劃 可享額外$500超市現金券禮遇🎁









Cataract removal surgery

Cataract ultrasound surgery

There are currently no medications that can effectively prevent or treat cataracts, and cataract surgery is the only method recognized as effective in treating cataracts.

Minimally invasive ultrasound cataract removal surgery is the treatment of choice today. The surgery only requires local anesthesia. The main surgical method is to use ultrasonic waves to emulsify the cataract into fragments, suck out the small pieces and then implant the artificial lens. After surgery, the posterior capsule of the eye becomes clear, allowing light to focus on the retina again, while restoring vision and reducing refractive errors. The operation time is short, the patient can leave the same day and the recovery time is quick.

Cataract surgery involves local anesthesia

Local anaesthesia

Go home on the same of the surgery

Go home on the same day
of the surgery

The surgery only takes 10-20 minutes

Surgery can be
as short as 10-20 minutes

Minimally invasive ultrasound surgery has small wounds

Minimally invasive
surgery has small wounds

Cataract surgery reduces refractive error

Reduce refractive errors
(myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia and astigmatism)

Low risk of surgical wound infection and complications

Low risk of wound
infection and complications

Local anaesthesia

Go home on the same of the surgery

Surgery takes only 10-20 minutes

Minimally invasive

Reduce refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia, presbyopia, astigmatism)

Low risk of wound infection and complications

Types of Intraocular Lens (IOL):

Monofocal Lens Multifocal Lens (Trifocal) Multifocal Lens (EDOF)
Features Features Good vision at one distance Good vision at multiple distances Good vision at multiple distances + Extended depth of field
Field of view Field of view Excellent, delivers good vision at far, medium or near distances Excellent, delivers good vision at far, medium or near distances Excellent, delivers good vision at far, medium and near distances; continuous vision at a range of distances; less halos and glare
Astigmatism Astigmatism Optional Optional Optional
Limitations Limitations Inability to focus on near and far vision at the same time Inappropriate for people with high vision requirements at night, such as night-shift drivers Absence of trifocal features for near distance
Suitability Suitability
  • With financial considerations
  • Suitable for majority of the people
  • Do not mind wearing glasses
  • Financially affordable
  • No frequent driving at night
  • Financially affordable
  • Suitable for majority of the people
  1. 計劃由即日起至10月31日之前完成登記。名額限量10個,先到先得。
  2. 是次計劃必須經醫生評估取決於其白內障的情況是否合適應用或進行。如醫生認為不適合,則無法參與此分享計劃。
  3. 只適用於及醫思健康集團18歲或以上之新客戶、持有香港身分證及經由醫生評估適合進行白內障治療及手術人士。
  4. 到店後必須先出示身份證明文件登記成為醫思健康旗下品牌會員。
  5. 客人需於2024年10月31日或之前進行醫生咨詢及眼睛檢查。眼睛檢查後,客人若適合進行白內障手術,可向診所姑娘預約手術日期。若不適合進行,將扣除醫生診金費$900。
  6. 如報名參加「逆轉白內障分享計劃」,客戶須同意本公司拍攝其「手術前眼睛檢查」、「白內障手術過程」及「手術後的術後感」影片及照片,以作品牌宣傳推廣用途,版權及使用權歸醫思健康所有。
  7. 當客人完成覆診日所進行的訪問拍攝,可於店舖即日領取所贈送的$500超市現金券。

  8. 有效期至2024年10月31日,並需在有效期內付款及開單才可享有額外禮遇。

  9. 如有任何爭議,醫思眼科及醫思健康將保留最終決定權。

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