Our Equipment
DRS Automatic Retinal Camera
DRS Automatic Retinal Camera
The DRS Automatic Retinal Camera conducts retinal examinations with automated system which spontaneously aligns the target eye, focuses the retina and captures the retinal image with a low-intensity flash to make the patient comfortable for the examination. The whole process can be completed in less than 30 seconds.
Visumax® Femtosecond Laser
Visumax® Femtosecond Laser
VisuMax® 飛秒激光系統會用作SMILE 矯視,透過飛秒激光切割角膜中層部分,毋須在角膜表面揭開瓣片,及透過一個小於3毫米的小切口,將已切割好角膜取出,令角膜弧度改變從而達至矯視的效果。
Optical Coherent Tomography
Optical Coherent Tomography
OCT使用新發展的光學影像處理技術,即時作出高解像切面掃瞄,能清晰看到視網膜的深層組織,是一種非入侵性、非接觸性的掃瞄檢查。通過OCT能發現早期青光眼、Macular Degeneration 水腫及糖尿眼等。
Visual Field Perimeter
Visual Field Perimeter
Non-contact Tonometer
Non-contact Tonometer
The non-contact device measures intraocular pressure by blowing air without touching the patient's eyes and the air flow can be adjusted for greater comfort during the test.
Auto Refractor
Auto Refractor
透過自動驗光機可以檢測Refractive Errors,測量近視、散光、遠視的度數。配備智能裝配移動控制(SAMC)技術,自動調整以獲得更準確的屈光度數據。
Auto Lensmeter
Auto Lensmeter
The automatic lensmeter is provided with Wavefront analysis technology, which, together with the wider test range on the instrument, enables quick and accurate measurement of all degrees on the lens, especially for measuring progressive lenses.
LightLAS SLT Combination Laser (Argon Laser / SLT / YAG)
The laser device is supplied with three laser treatment techniques, including Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT), Argon Laser and YAG. These three laser treatments have been used for treating various common eye diseases and doctors are able to combine different laser treatment techniques to achieve the best treatment results.