What is the difference between SMILE and LASIK? Which one is better?
LASIK requires a thin slice of the cornea (corneal flap) for vision correction, so the incision is relatively large. SMILE is a new laser vision correction operation requiring only a small incision of 2-4 mm without uncovering the flap, so the incision area is reduced by nearly 80%. Postoperative dry eyes and infections are reduced, and recovery time is faster. Moreover, there will be no flap-related complications after the surgery.
但坊間有個誤解,很多人以為SMILE微笑矯視是新技術,一定比LASIK激光矯視好,其實需要根據自己個人情況而選擇合適手術方法,例如:有遠視,或近視高於1000度,SMILE 矯視便不適合。
Am I a candidate for SMILE?
大部份人都適合接受SMILE 微笑矯視,但需要透過眼科專科醫生進行詳細眼睛檢查才能確定,因為有一些眼睛問題可能未被發現,例如角膜太薄、錐形角膜、嚴重缺乏淚水分泌等。您可以參加醫思眼科的免費SMILE 微笑矯視講座,由眼科專科醫生詳細講解,屆時亦會有初步眼睛檢查及評估。
Under what circumstances can SMILE not be accepted?
- Ocular development not yet complete
- Refraction not yet stable
- Cornea too thin/Keratoconus (requires corneal collagen cross-linking)
- Too high the refractive errors
- Hyperopia (Long-sightedness)
- Known eye disease (e.g. cataract, glaucoma)
- Infection of the eye
- Corneal scarring or other corneal disease
- 嚴重Dry Eye/嚴重缺乏淚水分泌
- Patients with herpes
- Immune system disorders (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus)
- Prolonged use of steroids
- During pregnancy/lactation
Is SMILE suitable for people with dry eye?
If I am suitable for SMILE, can I arrange for the correction immediately?
A comprehensive eye examination, including a prescription test, corneal thickness and curvature test, is required before the procedure can be carried out. Accurate data can be used to formulate an appropriate vision correction plan. Prior to the first eye check, the client will need to stop wearing contact lenses.
- Soft contact lenses (ex astigmatism): off for at least 1 week
- Soft contact lenses (including astigmatism): off for at least 2 weeks
- Hard contact lenses: off for at least 1 month
- Contact lenses for vision correction: off for at least 3 months
The first examination and the SMILE surgery can take place on the same day at the earliest.
Will there be any pain during the surgery for vision correction?
The surgery will be performed under local anaesthesia in the eyes, so the patient will not feel much. The process can be completed within 10 minutes.
Will I still have presbyopia after performing SMILE?
有機會有老花出現,因為通常40歲後,拉住晶體的小肌肉開始退化 ,令近視野變得模糊。SMILE 微笑矯視亦可以解決老花問題。詳情可咨詢醫思眼科的眼科專科醫生或參加免費SMILE 微笑矯視講座。
How does SMILE correct the condition of presbyopia?
Mono Vision is a solution to presbyopia, where one eye is responsible for long-range vision and the other eye for near vision. For example, one eye is corrected to near-zero degree and the other eye is left with 100 to 200 degrees of myopia.
Will I have a relapse after performing SMILE?
Many people think that the surgery is only successful when there is no refractive error, but this is a misconception. The success rate of vision correction is within +/- 75 degrees. 90% cases are now within +/- 50 degrees, which does not affect their daily lives. Enhancement can be performed if the patient beyond a certain level of refractive errors considers it is affecting his/her daily life.
Can I undergo other eye surgery after SMILE?
Yes, SMILE procedure only changes the curvature of the cornea and does not affect other eye tissues.
Is SMILE suitable for people with extra-thin cornea ? What is corneal collagen cross-linking surgery?
可以,只需要額外進行角膜膠原交聯術。這是適用於角膜過薄、度數過深、懷疑有潛在錐形角膜風險的客人。眼科專科醫生會在術前為客人進行評估,決定有否需要額外進行Corneal collagen cross-linking。交聯術是把核黃素 (一種維生素) 眼溶液使用在病人眼睛上,然後用紫外線燈照射眼睛45秒至1分鐘,以達成角膜交聯,強化角膜。