EC Healthcare (HKEx: 2138.HK)

SMILE 矯視用家體驗分享

醫思眼科EC EYE 眼科診所的 SMILE 用家體驗個案分享︰「以後唔怕眼鏡起霧,因為唔洗再戴眼鏡啦」、「後悔唔早啲做 SMILE,生活上會慳咗好多時間」、「踢走800度近視」等。

Ophthalmology Specialist SMILE User Experience Dancer Sharing
Eye Clinic User Experience Sharing
Eye Clinic User Experience Sharing
Eye Clinic User Experience Sharing
SMILE User Experience Sharing
Mong Kok Eye Centre User Experience Sharing
Mong Kok Eye Centre User Experience Sharing
Eye Clinic Users’ Sharing of Get Rid of Myopia
Eye Clinic Athletes’ Comments
Eye Centre User Sharing on Treatment for Astigmatism
Eye Clinic SMILE User Comments
Ophthalmology Specialist Sharing by Parents

Enquire Registration

*Enquiry item
We will contact you and confirm your booking.
For same day reservation, please call or message us on WhatsApp.