EC Healthcare (HKEx: 2138.HK)

Health Blog Category Tag List

Tag: #pain treatment


Categories: Health Management
Categories: Health Management
Can you get rid of "Mom's Hands (De Quervain's disease)" by doing exercise?
Categories: Health Management
Prevent Frozen Shoulder: Don't Delay Treatment
Categories: Health Management
Understanding the Causes of Lower Back Pain: Diagnosis and Treatment Methods
Categories: Health Management
Revamp Your Office Setup for a Vibrant and Healthy Workspace
Categories: Health Management
Health Pulse: Bone Spurs 101
Categories: Health Management
Experiencing Unexplained Dizziness? Chiropractor Reveals Cervicogenic Dizziness Caused by Neck Joint, Muscle, or Nerve Dysfunction
Categories: Health Management
The Younger Generation of the Heads-Down Tribe! A 9-Year-Old Girl as a Chronic Smartphone User Neck Pain, Finger Numbness, and Cervical Spine Condition Resembling that of a 50-Year-Old Person, Explained by a Chiropractor
Categories: Health Management
Healthy Living | Frequently Experiencing Shoulder and Neck Pain? Chiropractor: Hunched Shoulders and Sleeping Habits Can Lead to Trapezius Syndrome
Categories: Health Management
Trapezius Syndrome | Are IT Professionals at High Risk? Surprisingly, this Sleeping Position Makes You Prone to Trapezius Syndrome! Chiropractor Explains the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Trapezius Syndrome
Categories: Health Management
Sciatica | Prolonged Sitting and Incorrect Postures: Are You at Risk of Piriformis Syndrome?
Categories: Health Management