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From Thinning Hair to Healthy Locks: How Hair Follicle Activation Treatment Saved Men's Hair

In today's fast-paced world, it's not uncommon for people to burn the midnight oil and skimp on sleep. However, not getting enough shut-eye can wreak havoc on your body, and even cause hair loss! Just ask the 36-year-old Hong Kong man who only slept 5 hours a day due to work and wedding preparations. His lack of sleep led to the dreaded O-shaped hair loss, leaving him with thinning hair on top, and eventually he had to rush to a hair care specialist for help.


Why does lack of sleep cause hair loss?

According to Chinese medicine, insufficient sleep or staying up late can deplete the blood supply to the liver, leading to damage to both the liver and kidneys. Since hair is believed to be an extension of blood, any issues with the kidneys can have an impact on the health of your hair. If you're losing a significant amount of hair each day, it may be a sign of underlying liver or kidney problems. In addition, sleep deprivation can weaken the immune system and disrupt hormone levels, leading to decreased energy and increased anxiety. All of these factors can slow blood circulation in the scalp, depriving hair follicles of necessary nutrients and resulting in hair loss.


Beware of thinning hair: signs to look out for

Thinning hair is a common concern for many men, with hair loss typically occurring on the front and crown of the head. The latter pattern is often referred to as "Mediterranean hair loss" and is characterized by an "O" shape on the top of the head. However, before it becomes a serious issue, it's important to be aware of the warning signs and seek help from a hair care specialist.

1. Brittle and fragile hair

On average, a person loses 50 to 100 strands of hair each day. However, if you've noticed that your hair has become increasingly thin and brittle, it may be a sign that your hair follicles are breaking down. Pay attention to any signs of baldness and seek professional advice if you're concerned.

2. Excessive hair loss when combing

It's common to lose some hair while brushing or combing, but if you're seeing a dozen or more hairs fall out with each stroke, it could be a sign of hair follicle problems. Fragile hair and unstable roots may be the culprit.

3. Thinning hair and upward shifting hairlines

If you've noticed that your scalp feels thinner and more visible in a short period of time, or if you find that your hair is constantly thinning at the crown, you may be experiencing hair loss. Additionally, an upward shift in the hairline is a common sign of male pattern baldness.

4. Oily scalp and flakes

An oily scalp can be a sign of excessive production of androgens, which affects the sebaceous glands and leads to greasy-looking hair. This excess oil can also breed bacteria, resulting in dandruff and an unpleasant smell. In severe cases, clogged pores, inflammation, headaches, and even the dreaded O-shaped hair loss can occur.


Improving O-shaped hair loss: three tips to keep in mind

1. Prioritize sleep

According to Chinese medicine, the ideal time to sleep is between 9 pm and 11 pm. During this time, the body is better able to heal itself and repair damaged hair follicles. Adequate sleep also boosts metabolism and makes it easier for hair follicles to absorb nutrients, which can help improve the appearance of O-shaped hair loss.


2. Nourish your hair follicles

Hair is made up of amino acids, which are found in protein-rich foods such as eggs, milk, soy, fish, and meat. To promote healthy hair growth, make sure to include these foods in your diet. It's also important to avoid foods that can cause inflammation in the body, such as fried foods, and those high in salt and sugar.

3. Seek professional help

If lifestyle changes alone aren't improving your hair loss, it may be time to seek help from a professional hairdresser. A thorough examination and analysis can help identify the underlying cause of your hair loss, and a skilled hairdresser can recommend appropriate treatment options to restore a thick and healthy head of hair.

Hair Forest RGA® Hair Growing Treatment


Thanks to the latest technological innovations, healthy hair cells can now be transplanted to the site of hair loss, resulting in a dramatic transformation. The RGA® Hair Growing Treatment is a multinational breakthrough certified by the FDA, PMDA, and EU (CE certification), offering a minimally invasive solution for hair loss. Using advanced cellular hair transplantation technology, cells are extracted from your own scalp and the matrix growth factor is extracted within just 3 minutes using micro-cutting technology.

These healthy cells are then transplanted to the affected area, activating and reshaping the scalp to produce thick and healthy hair. The entire procedure takes only 30 minutes, and the survival rate of autologous cells is an impressive 93%. With minimal invasiveness and no interference with daily work and life, this innovative treatment is a game-changer for those seeking a natural and effective solution for hair loss.

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-A revolutionary technology, FDA (U.S.) and PMDA (Japan) approved, and CE-certified (EU)

-Suitable for hair follicles that have not completely shrunk

-Visible results of thicker and longer hair in 30 days after the treatment

Results last for 2 years

-A 150-hour treatment session conducted by a professional and well-trained doctor team

<Online Appointment>

Source: Hair Forest