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Lifestyle Disease: 4 Postures That Are Ruining Your Spine Health

Lower back pain is a pesky problem that plagues many urbanites. It’s not just accidental strains that cause it; poor postures can also progressively damage the spine, causing muscle tension, and even a herniated disc that induces intense pain. So, let’s delve into four improper postures that may feel comfortable but are wreaking havoc on your spine health and bid them adieu ASAP!


Half sitting and half lying down

You might find this posture comfortable at first, but it can give you lower back pain over time as the lumbar and cervical spine receive no support or are even overly bent in this position. This can exert great pressure on the spine, which can lead to disc herniation and muscle tension.

Lying on your belly

If you lie on your tummy on a sofa, your cervical spine and back muscle will become tense, leading to muscle stiffness over time.

Sitting cross-legged

When sitting cross-legged, your muscles tend to relax naturally, causing your upper body to lean forward and the back to arch. This put the lumbar spine in an excessively bent position while the upper body relies on the support of the back muscles and spine. This will cause muscle tension and fatigue in the back, leading to shoulder and neck pain.

Resting your head on a sofa armrest

Watching TV with your head propped up on an armrest might seem like the perfect way to unwind. But the neck is bent in this position, which can lead to muscle tension and wear and tear injuries in joints over time. This makes you more susceptible to a stiff neck or cervical subluxation, resulting in multiple pain issues.


Easy ways to protect your spine: the “90/90/90” rule

It’s easy to look after your spine – just remember the 90/90/90 rule whenever you are sitting!

A 90-degree angle at the ankles

A 90-degree angle at the knees

A 90-degree angle at the hips

By sitting smart, you can say goodbye to shoulder and neck pain very soon!

Source: Medical News

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