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Want to Get Rid of Deep Hyperpigmentation? Pico Laser Treatment Can Help You!

Unsightly blemishes develop on our face as we age, especially wrinkles and hyperpigmentation which make you look older instantly. Yet, general skincare products can hardly get rid of dark spots in a short time, that’s why Pico laser treatment, a non-invasive laser treatment in the medical beauty sector, become highly sought-after among girls. Its principle is generating laser energy with pulse widths at the pico-second range to shatter the pigment into particles which will then be removed by the body naturally.

The most fascinating part of Pico laser treatment is that it not only targets hyperpigmentation but also improves skin condition. Many ladies find their skin brighter and smoother after receiving the treatment. Let’s read more about the benefits of Pico laser treatment!

Remove dark spots

When the Pico laser enters the skin, it will locate the melanin pigments automatically, and then generate pulses to shatter them. The hyperpigmentation can be significantly reduced with 2 to 3 treatment sessions. Pico laser treatment can target different kinds of hyperpigmentation, ranging from freckles and sunspots in shallow skin layers to seborrheic keratosis and melasma in deeper layers, and even tattoo pigments deep in the skin. These can all be removed with Pico laser.

Boost collagen growth

Apart from reducing hyperpigmentation, Pico laser treatment can also help promote collagen production. When laser energy enters the skin, the pulses will stimulate collagen regeneration and production, which can support the gaps between skin tissues and plump your skin.


Lighten up skin tone

When the excess production of melanin causes hyperpigmentation but the melanin has not formed dark spots yet, it will lead to dull skin. Pico laser treatment can also remove these hidden melanin pigments of any size to prevent the formation of dark spots and restore bright skin.


Improve skin condition

As Pico laser can stimulate collagen production, it can improve the skin condition by constantly repairing your skin, tightening the pores and sagging skin, and enhancing elasticity. Your skin will look much younger! Abundant collagen can also smooth bumpy skin and reduce acne scars, restoring delicate and silky skin!

Speaking of Pico laser treatment in recent years, we will generally think of PicoWay laser. Yet, as our technology advances, some large beauty centres have already introduced the latest Pico laser machine that is more effective and offers more functions when compared to PicoWay.

DR REBORN’s Discovery Pico, the Italian King of Pico technology

The fastest Pico laser treatment to get bright and smooth skin in HK

DR REBORN introduces Discovery Pico, the Italian King of Pico technology, which has the highest output power, fastest speed and longest wavelength on the Hong Kong market. Its photomechanical effect effectively removes melanin and improves skin conditions such as acne scars, bumpy skin, rough skin, large pores, dull skin, etc. The laser energy can also stimulate the regeneration of collagen. Regular treatments can make your skin smooth like silk.

-Highest energy output

DISCOVERY PICO has an output energy of 1.8GW which causes small blisters and reconstruction on the skin. This stimulates massive collagen production and fosters rejuvenation to smooth marks/roughness on the skin.

-Segmented picosecond laser

The treatment uses an exclusive probe to emit fractional PICO laser to break down the scar tissues and create cavitation effect, causing the tissue to regrow and smooth the scars.

The Refix lens in the probe concentrates the energy and makes the treatment more effective. With the 1.8GW energy output, it damages and restructures the skin to improve the texture.

-1064 nm wavelength, high penetrating power

The longest wavelength of DISCOVERY PICO is 1064nm with the highest penetrating power that can reach the dermis to treat scars.

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