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How Often Should My Dog Be Peeing?

As a dog owner, it’s essential to keep tabs on your furry friend’s bathroom habits. Have you ever wondered how many times a day your pooch should be peeing? Believe it or not, their pee routine can be a good indicator of their overall health. In this blog, we’ll explain what a normal bathroom schedule for dogs would be. Read on to know more!


4 factors affecting your dog’s urination frequency


Large breeds tend to pee less than smaller breeds as they have a larger bladder that helps them hold their pee longer. But this may also depend on how they’re trained to control their bladder.


Puppies are not trained to hold their pee, so they have to do their business every 1-2 hours. As they grow up and learn to control their bladder, they won’t need to pee as often. But when they grow old, they’ll need to urinate more frequently and may even suffer from incontinence.

Health issues

Dogs with obesity or urinary problems have to pee more often as these health issues affect their body functions and hinder their ability to hold their pee.

Diet and water intake

If your dog mainly eats canned, fresh or raw foods with higher water content, it will need to pee more. You can calculate the standard water intake for your dog by multiplying its weight by 70 c.c. Dogs that like drinking water also pee more often than those that do not.


So, how often should my dog pee?

Considering all of the above factors, adult dogs (aged 1-7) should urinate 3-5 times a day and their urine should have a clear, light-yellow colour. If you often find your dog peeing not enough and holding its pee, this may be a sign of bladder stones. You should help your dog drink more water and seek veterinary help for a comprehensive examination.

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Source: EC VET

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