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Why People Are Not Able to Stay in Shape? Are You Losing Energy to Keep Fit? Break Bad Habits for an Effective Fitness Plan

As one has been resolute to work out every week and stick to a healthy diet, why are the results of weight loss not as good as they should be? In fact, numerous factors are involved in weight loss, and even if you exercise more and eat less, you may not be able to lose weight as much as you wish. If you have lost in the weight-loss battle, you should say no to the following 3 behaviours, which may help you stay fit!

1. Lack of rest and poor sleep quality

People in the city are leading a hectic life. Your me time could just be the precious time left in the evening. Staying up late is in for overloading your body, rendering the fitness goals hard to come by. As sleep is not only important for our health, but it is also a vital regulator for metabolism and endocrine functions. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that women who slept less than 4 hours take up 300 more calories and 21g more fat the next day!

Meanwhile, even after eight hours of sleep, you may still feel exhausted due to poor sleep quality which could be attributed to stress, hormonal imbalance, caffeine, light from TV and computer screens, sleeping with lights on, etc. As cited from another study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, 17% of women who slept with lights or TV on gained at least 5kg more weight than those who slept in total darkness!

2. Lack of protein

To eat smart rather than go on a painful diet is indeed the best way to slim down. We know that reducing the intake of carbohydrates can help lose weight, but it turns out that increasing protein intake is more effective in doing so. According to a study in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology cited by the media, people who consume double the amount of protein daily are more effective in losing weight compared to people on a normal diet. This is because our bodies need to burn more calories to break down the protein we consume, and the high protein content also helps to fill us up quickly and delay hunger.

As for protein intake, experts recommend 0.5g to 1.0g of protein per pound of body weight. Recommended sources of lean protein include chicken breast, turkey, eggs, soy (tofu), quinoa, cheese and milk.

3. Stop over-buying what’s on sale in a supermarket

Many people go to supermarkets or online platforms to snap up food, snacks, drinks and so on. You tend to buy more than you need so as to save more based on the discounts offered by these supermarkets and platforms. The situation is similar when it comes to food purchases in the wet market. The bad news is that the "buy more save more" mentality is a big no-no for people who desire to stay in shape. Especially if you buy snacks such as extra-large packets of chips, large soft drinks or family-pack ice cream, you tend to eat more and more quickly as you open the package because you don't want to throw away a big bag of leftovers. Some people may even buy foods and drinks that they don't particularly want, only to find out that they are completely at odds with their goals of losing weight. As an executor of your fitness goals, you have to strictly control calorie intake and forget about the groceries on sale, otherwise, you will be paying for your body fat, which is not worthwhile at all!

DR REBORN DeadCal’s Reliable and Hassel-free Lipolysis

Exercise and disciplined dieting are the essential way to healthy weight loss and slimming. Of course, your fitness journey certainly benefits when you kick the old habits. But if you want to see instant results, you should choose the right and safe lipolysis treatment to enjoy a hassle-free slimming process! DR REBORN's novel lipolysis treatment, DeadCal, is the only patented Coolwaves technology in the world. The 10-minute treatment helps to remove localised fat deposits, improve double chin, flabby arm muscles, belly, buttock fat, back fat, and chubby legs, tighten skin and activate collagen production. With CE certification and followed by a team of healthcare professionals, the painless lipolysis process is safe, comfortable and effective.

-2.45GHZ microwaves technology

-Coolwaves technology targets 15mm-depth subcutaneous fat with 80% energy directed to the fat layer

-The Coolwaves tip ensures skin temperature at a comfortable 15-25 °C without causing any discomfort or trauma

-Continuous breakdown of fat cells for up to 3 weeks after the treatment

-Repair of collagen fibres in the dermis

-Stimulate the production of new collagen to achieve smooth skin

-Treat skin laxity and achieve firmer, smoother skin


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