EC Healthcare (HKEx: 2138.HK)

EC EYE隸屬於醫思健康 (上市編號:2138 ) 提供一站式全方位眼科服務,從諮詢、檢查、手術治療至醫學驗光配鏡,致力提供優質醫療護理。 中心的專科醫療團隊由專業眼科醫生、眼科護士、註冊視光師及其他專業護理人員組成,並擁有豐富的臨床經驗, 配合與國際接軌的儀器、技術和治療方式,為各年齡層及眼疾人士提供專業和全面的眼科服務。

中心旺角及銅鑼灣核心地段,鄰近設有地鐵站,交通方便。Eye Centre設有合標準無菌手術室以及先進醫療設備,進一步提升服務質素,保障客人安全。加上寬敞明亮的裝潢,讓客人能在舒適的環境進行診治護理。透過我們專業和全面的眼科醫療保健服務,協助預防、控制及治療眼睛疾病,用健康的眼睛感受世界!

Our Vision


Professional Team

We bring together specialists in optometry and ophthalmology to provide the right eye care and treatment solutions.

State-of-the-art Equipment & Technology

The Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment that meets international medical standards, including aseptic operating theatres, automated retinal imaging machines, visual field perimeter, slit lamp microscopes, OCT devices and so on to provide accurate medical assessment and treatment to our clients.

One-Stop Medical Service

From examination to treatment, clients can experience supreme one-stop service at the Centre where a full range of medical infrastructure is in place.

Well-rounded Services


Meticulous Follow-up Service

We provide comprehensive follow-up services from examination, diagnosis, treatment, surgery and care, all of which are recorded electronically and followed up closely by our seasoned medical team.

Enquire Registration

Enquiry or Appointment
*Enquiry item
We will contact you and confirm your booking.
For same day reservation, please call or message us on WhatsApp.