EC Healthcare (HKEx: 2138.HK)

SMILE 微笑激光矯視手術

Small Incision Lenticule Extraction (“SMILE”)是新一代的嶄新矯視技術,並獲美國FDA認證。採用Carl Zeiss VisuMax飛秒激光系統,醫生可透過此技術為患者改善近視、散光及老花等視力問題。這是非常可靠的矯視手術,比傳統的LASIK激光矯視更安全,在速度及質素亦有提升。現今全球已有超過500萬宗SMILE微笑矯視個案,在香港亦日漸普及,而根據臨床實驗證實,接受SMILE矯視手術後,近視、散光視力問題改善滿意程度十分高,而且效果穩定。Smile 手術整個過程只需要10分鐘完成!
Scroll down to read more

SMILE 矯視用家體驗分享

SMILE not only solves the problems caused by wearing glasses and contact lenses, but also makes you more confident. The following videos are real SMILE users' experiences:

Ophthalmology Specialist SMILE User Experience Dancer Sharing
Eye Clinic User Experience Sharing
Eye Clinic User Experience Sharing
Eye Clinic User Experience Sharing
SMILE User Experience Sharing
Mong Kok Eye Centre User Experience Sharing
Mong Kok Eye Centre User Experience Sharing
Eye Clinic Users’ Sharing of Get Rid of Myopia
Eye Clinic Athletes’ Comments
Eye Centre User Sharing on Treatment for Astigmatism
Eye Clinic SMILE User Comments
Ophthalmology Specialist Sharing by Parents

Why choose SMILE

for vision correction?

  • Monocular correction could be completed in just 4-5 minutes
  • Faster recovery of vision and wounds due to an almost 80% reduction in the size of the incision compared to LASIK
  • No flap related complications after surgery
  • Normal activities can be resumed within a few days after surgery and the level of satisfaction regarding vison improvement is very high
  • Consistent results, bringing us more effective, safer and faster results

微笑矯視優點 5分鐘內完成手術

Surgery completed
within 5 minutes

Smile 矯視優點 傷口範圍縮減達80%

Incision reduced
by up to 80%

Smile手術優點 適合乾眼症人士

Suitable for people
with dry eyes

激光矯視優點 傷口復原更快

wound recovery

SMILE vs LASIK comparison

Process of SMILE

SMILE is performed by cutting through the middle portion of the cornea with the Femtosecond Laser. The thin tissue within the cornea could be separated and extracted through the tiny incision to alter the corneal curvature to achieve the effect of vision correction (i.e. reducing the conditions in myopia and astigmatism).

Step 1.
Direct laser cutting
of the cornea
Step 2.
A laser incision
of 2-4mm is made
Vision correction surgery
Step 3.
Extract the cut part
through the incision

SMILE EXTRA角膜膠原交聯手術 (Treatment for eye problems of Keratoconus, thin cornea, etc.)

Corneal collagen cross-linking

角膜膠原交聯手術 (也稱:角膜交聯術,角膜交聯手術) 是把維生素B2眼溶液使用在病人眼睛上,然後用紫外線燈照射眼睛45秒至1分鐘, 使角膜纖維中的膠原蛋白緊扣一起,強化角膜及變得更堅韌和穩定。從而減低角膜擴張、變形及度數反彈的機會。

SMILE 適合對象
Who is suitable for SMILE?
  • At least 18 years old
  • Be in good health
  • No health issues which affect your eyes
  • Stable refraction in the past one year
  • For people with short-sightedness within 10 diopters (1000 “degrees”) and astigmatism within 5 diopters (500 “degrees”)

微笑矯視 Smile 手術 FAQ

由於您的眼睛仍在癒合中,因此在 SMILE 手術後的最初 24 小時內,它們會特別敏感。因此,建議至少等待 24 小時後再使用手機、電腦、平板電腦或看電視。


患者可以在 SMILE 手術後的第二天用溫水(不是熱水)淋浴和沐浴。淋浴時避免讓肥皂、洗髮水或其他刺激物進入眼睛。避免游泳池和熱水浴缸,游泳池和熱水浴缸中使用的氯在手術後對您的眼睛特別危險。

我們醫思眼科 EC Eye Centre 的 SMILE 微笑矯視手術為 HK$18,800。二人同行的話更可每人再減 HK$500!更提供免息分期付款,詳情請聯絡我們查詢。

Preoperative Preparation

  • Comprehensive eye examination, including vision examination, retinal examination, etc.
  • Confirmation of eye condition for surgery
  • Please follow your doctor's advice when prescribing medication for pre-operative use if necessary
  • Please inform your doctor in advance if you are taking medication for a long period of time
  • It is advisable to arrange for family or friends to pick up after the surgery
  • You can eat and drink as usual before the operation

Postoperative Care

  • Follow your doctor's instructions on the use of medication to prevent infection and reduce inflammatory response
  • For 1 week after the surgery:
    • Do not rub or scratch your eyes at any time
    • Do not bend over to wash your hair or shower to prevent splashing water into your eyes
    • Avoid strenuous exercise, running and jumping to prevent increased intraocular pressure which may affect wound healing
  • Follow up on your doctor's advice to ensure you are well after surgery

Enquire Registration

Enquiry or Appointment
*Enquiry item
We will contact you and confirm your booking.
For same day reservation, please call or message us on WhatsApp.